Time for you Yoga Retreats & Programs
Information & Bookings

Pre Christmas Bliss
Meditation for a quiet mind
Restorative and fascia poses to unwind and soothe your nervous system
Relaxation and gentle sound to complete your bliss.

Moving with Intention
Create your wake up and bed time 6 min routine
Movements done using chair, wall or bench
Focus on the breath during the poses to enhance awareness
Savasana - Quiet relaxation nothing left to do.

A Woman’s Sacred Space
Ceremony’s and Beliefs
Celebrating a woman’s intuition
Cacao ceremony

Pranayama and Your Health
Learn and practice pranayama (breathing exercises) for your health .
Learn and practice different breathing techniques to help you with various health conditions.

A Moment for You
A moment for You Winter gathering (maximum of six participants.)
body ease movements
guided relaxation
release ceremony by the fire
chai and chat

Pre Christmas Yoga is about spending time relaxing and unwinding the various stresses that may have accumulated over time.
We will be practise shaking out with laughter, unwinding with movement and progressive muscle relaxation.
Tea and Christmas Treats will be served. Cost is $60 and bookings are essential by email, text or call. Trishe - 0425720049
Event will be held at Beaumaris Life Saving club.

In our 2 hours of time together we will explore and get a better understanding of this subtle sensation of activity known as Chakras, our vital energy that is invisible to the human eye and yet mysterious sensations and vibrations are had in our lives.
Chakras are centres of vital energy in your subtle body, they are not observable by your gross senses. However they can be experienced through subtle sense perceptions.
You will experience movements ,mantra sounds and breathing exercises. Tea and yummies provided. This time spent will be at my home studio and with a limit of 6 ladies.
Cost is $60, for bookings please email, text or call me, Trishe - 0425720049
Awaken from Winter
Awaken from winter and celebrate insights, knowledge and dreams.
Yoga practices to nurture your being.
Harmonious relationship with your nervous system - lets talk about the Vagus nerve
Aromas, taste sensations, sound vibrations
Pranayama - breathing practices
Meditation - experience simple ways to be
Afternoon tea - yummy chai favourites and specialty teas
Trishe’s special relax to healing.
Trishe, the creator of She Energi Yoga has taught for 13 years, she specialises in facilitating classes and retreats for women.
Trishe's experience of her life has set her on a quest to always be inquisitive. She continues her studies in Yoga Nidra, Trauma Sensitive Yoga, Intuitive Healing, Reiki, and Meditation.
What to bring - your intent to experiment, your mat and blanket, water bottle .
Whats provided - a variety of teas including special Prana chai and yummy afternoon tea.
Your investment is only $85
Bookings - text me - 0425 720049 or email me - she.energi@gmail.com or you can email through the enquiries button.
Time for you Yoga session
In our time together you will experience breathing techniques and candle gazing which will guide you to open your hearts to the qualities of peace, to discover and heed the wisdom that is untouched and free. (Chairs are provided if its your preference)
Autumn Celebration
Leaves are changing colour falling softly, meeting the ground, sensing the touch of earth and merging with it as one. This Retreat is a time for you to nurture your body and mind to let go with love and ease and be with your whole. You will experience awareness of movements, breath , sound and a release ritual.

Experience and learn:
- Importance of connecting to self
- Yoga Nidra- To rest and visualise the flow of life force energy circulating within.
- To notice the body, the breath and mind activity.
- To notice beyond the physical and the mind to an awareness of indescribable bliss.
- Crystal sound bowls
Refreshments provided. Cost $50

Experience and learn
Pranayama, our life force energy; breathing practices to shift stagnant energy and encourage cellular healing.
Sensing and relaxing yoga movements to ease the muscular body, activating healthy energy channels to encourage harmony as a feedback loop to the mind.
Crystal sound bowls
Refreshments provided. Cost is $50